MW1036 Szilárd Mezei - Always The Same
Multiple format audio download with the entire content of the album in two audio formats:
1) Hi-Fi flac (44,100 khz, 16-bit, stereo) format
2) Mp3 format
plus jpg cover and compete artwork in pdf.
1. Always The Same 39:26
2. Always a Folk Song 39:37
Szilárd Mezei - viola
(Viola instrumentmade by Jozsef Magyar, 2023)
Recorded live:
1. 02.09.2022., Székesfehérvár, Szent István Király Muzeum, Hungary.
2. 13.09.2022., Szeged, Korzó Zeneház, Hungary.
First and last concerts from a series of 5 performances in a row